Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Battle of Bentonville - Civil War
Battle of Bentonville - Civil War Battle of Bentonville Conflict Dates: The Battle of Bentonville took place March 19-21, 1865, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). Armies Commanders: Union Major General William T. ShermanMajor General Henry Slocum60,000 men Confederate General Joseph JohnstonGeneral P.G.T. BeauregardGeneral Braxton BraggLieutenant General William Hardee21,000 men Battle of Bentonville - Background: Having taken Savannah in December 1864, after his March to the Sea, Major General William T. Sherman turned north and moved into South Carolina. Cutting a path of destruction through the seat of the secession movement, Sherman captured Columbia before pressing north with the goal of cutting Confederate supply lines to Petersburg, VA. Entering North Carolina on March 8, Sherman split his army into two wings under the command of Major Generals Henry Slocum and Oliver O. Howard. Moving along separate paths, they marched for Goldsboro where they intended to unite with Union forces advancing inland from Wilmington (Map). In an effort to halt this Union thrust and protect his rear, Confederate General-in-Chief Robert E. Lee dispatched General Joseph E. Johnston to North Carolina with orders to form a force to oppose Sherman. With most the Confederate Army in the West shattered, Johnston cobbled together a composite force consisting of the remnants of the Army of Tennessee, a division from Lees Army of Northern Virginia, as well as troops that had been scattered across the southeast. Concentrating his men, Johnston dubbed his command the Army of the South.Ã As he worked to unite his men, Lieutenant General William Hardee successfully delayed Union forces at the Battle of Averasborough on March 16. Battle of Bentonville - Fighting Begins: Mistakenly believing Shermans two wings to be a full days march apart and unable to support each other, Johnston focused his attention on defeating Slocums column. He hoped to do so before Sherman and Howard could arrive to provide assistance. On March 19, as his men moved north on the Goldsboro Road, Slocum encountered Confederate forces just south of Bentonville. Believing the enemy to be little more than cavalry and artillery, he advanced two divisions from Major General Jefferson C. Davis XIV Corps. Attacking, these two divisions encountered Johnstons infantry and were repulsed. Pulling these divisions back, Slocum formed a defensive line and added Brigadier General James D. Morgans division on the right and provided a division from Major General Alpheus S. Williams XX Corps as a reserve. Of these only Morgans men made an effort to fortify their position and gaps existed in the Union line. Around 3:00 PM, Johnston attacked this position with Major General D.H. Hills troops exploiting the gap. This assault caused the Union left to collapse allowing the right to be flanked. Holding their position, Morgans division fought valiantly before being forced to withdraw (Map). Battle of Bentonville - The Tide Turns: As his line was slowly pushed back, Slocum fed arriving units of XX Corps into the fight while sending messages to Sherman calling for aid. Fighting raged until nightfall, but after five major attacks, Johnston was unable to drive Slocum from the field. As Slocums position became increasingly stronger with reinforcements arriving, the Confederates withdrew to their original positions around midnight and began building earthworks. Having learned of Slocums situation, Sherman ordered a night march and raced to the scene with the right wing of the army. Through the day on March 20, Johnston stayed in position despite the approach of Sherman and the fact that he had Mill Creek to his rear. He later defended this decision by stating that he remained in order to remove his wounded. Skirmishing continued through the day and by late afternoon Sherman had arrived with Howards command. Coming into line on Slocums right, the Union deployment forced Johnston to bend back his line and shift Major General Lafayette McLaws division from his right to extend his left. For the remainder of the day, both forces remained in place with Sherman content to let Johnston retreat (Map). On March 21, Sherman, who wished to avoid a major engagement, was irritated to find Johnston still in place. During the day, the Union right closed to within a few hundred yards of the Confederates. That afternoon, Major General Joseph A. Mower, commanding the division on the extreme Union right, asked permission to conduct a little reconnaissance. Having received clearance, Mower instead moved forward with a large attack on the Confederate left. Moving along a narrow trace, his division assaulted into the Confederate rear and overran Johnstons headquarters and near the Mill Creek Bridge (Map). With their only line of retreat under threat, the Confederates launched a series of counterattacks under the guidance of Lieutenant General William Hardee. These succeeded in containing Mower and pushing his men back. This was aided by orders from an irate Sherman which demanded that Mower break off the action. Sherman later admitted that not reinforcing Mower was a mistake and that it was a missed opportunity to destroy Johnstons army. Despite this, it appears that Sherman was seeking to avoid unnecessary bloodshed during the wars final weeks. Battle of Bentonville - Aftermath: Given a reprieve, Johnston began withdrawing over rain-swollen Mill Creek that night. Spotting the Confederate retreat at dawn, Union forces pursued the Confederates as far as Hannahs Creek. Eager to link up with the other troops at Goldsboro, Sherman resumed his march. In the fighting at Bentonville, Union forces lost 194 killed, 1,112 wounded, 221 missing/captured, while Johnstons command suffered 239 killed, 1,694 wounded, 673 missing/captured. Reaching Goldsboro, Sherman added the forces of Major Generals John Schofield and Alfred Terry to his command. After two and half weeks of rest, his army departed for its final campaign which culminated in Johnstons surrender at Bennett Place on April 26, 1865. Selected Sources CWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle of BentonvilleHistory of War: Battle of BentonvilleCWPT: Battle of Bentonville
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Italian Diminutives - Alterati Diminutivi
Italian Diminutives - Alterati Diminutivi In Italian, diminutives (alterati diminutivi) are a category of altered words (alterati) in which the meaning of the base word is attenuated or diminished in some sense. Examples include sassolino (a pebble), spiaggetta (small beach), tastierina (keypad), and visitina (short visit). Forming Diminutives With Suffixes Diminutives can be formed with the suffixes: -ino: mammaà à »Ã mamminamother, momà à »Ã mommy minestraà à »Ã minestrinasoupà à »Ã broth pensieroà à »Ã pensierinothought, worryà à »Ã small gift, a little present ragazzoà à »Ã ragazzinoboyà à »Ã young boy, little boy, kid belloà à »Ã bellinobeautifulà à »Ã cute difficileà à »Ã difficilinodifficult, complicatedà à »Ã minor difficulty The suffix -ino has two variants with an infix (interfisso) (element inserted between the base and the suffix): -(i)cino and -olino. Here are some examples: bastoneà à »Ã bastoncinowalking stick, cane, scepter, rodà à »Ã stick, twig, switch libroà à »Ã libric(c)inobookà à »Ã booklet sassoà à »Ã sassolinorock, boulderà à »Ã small stone, pebble topoà à »Ã topolinomouse, ratà à »Ã baby mouse freddoà à »Ã freddolinocoldà à »Ã brisk magroà à »Ã magrolinothin, lean, slim, spareà à »Ã skinny In spoken Italian there are also avverbi alterati: prestoà à »Ã prestinosoon, early, quicklyà à »Ã somewhat quickly tantoà à »Ã tantinoso much, veryà à »Ã a fair amount tardià à »Ã tardinolateà à »Ã barely late The modifying suffix -ino is most frequently used with suffix combinations: casaà à »Ã casettaà à »Ã casettina, gonnaà à »Ã gonellaà à »Ã gonnellina. -etto: bacioà à »Ã bacettokissà à »Ã little kiss, peck cameraà à »Ã camerettabedroomà à »Ã small bedroom casaà à »Ã casettahouseà à »Ã cottage, small house lupoà à »Ã lupettowolfà à »Ã wolf cub, cub scout bassoà à »Ã bassettoshortà à »Ã shrimp, pipsqueak piccoloà à »Ã piccolettosmallà à »Ã shorty A combination of suffixes is common: scarpaà à »Ã scarpettaà à »Ã scarpettinao, seccoà à »Ã secchettoà à »Ã secchettino. -ello: alberoà à »Ã alberellotreeà à »Ã sapling asinoà à »Ã asinellodonkeyà à »Ã little or young donkey paeseà à »Ã paesellovillageà à »Ã hamlet rondineà à »Ã rondinellaswallowà à »Ã baby swallow cattivoà à »Ã cattivellobad, wickedà à »Ã mischievous, naughty poveroà à »Ã poverellopoorà à »Ã poor person This suffix has variants with the interfixes -(i)cello and -erello: campoà à »Ã campicellofieldà à »Ã small field informazioneà à »Ã informazionecellainformationà à »Ã small piece of information fattoà à »Ã fatterellofact, event, occurrenceà à »Ã minor matter, anecdote fuocoà à »Ã f(u)ocherellofireà à »Ã small fire Often there is a combination of suffixes: storiaà à »Ã storiellaà à »Ã storiellina, bucoà à »Ã bucherelloà à »Ã bucherellino. -uccio (has a pejorative connotation or, more commonly, is a term of endearment): avvocatoà à »Ã avvocatucciolawyerà à »Ã shyster casaà à »Ã casucciahouseà à »Ã small cozy house cavalloà à »Ã cavallucciohorseà à »Ã small horse, seahorse caldoà à »Ã calduccioheatà à »Ã warmth freddoà à »Ã fredducciocoldà à »Ã coldness, coolness A variant of -uccio is -uzzo: pietraà à »Ã pietruzza. -icci(u)lo: astaà à »Ã asticci(u)olapole (for vaulting), rod, lanceà à »Ã small rod; the shaft of an arrow or a pen festaà à »Ã festicciolafeast, holiday, vacationà à »Ã small party portoà à »Ã porticcioloharborà à »Ã small harbor Sometimes also has a pejorative sense: donnaà à »Ã donnicci(u)ola. -ucolo (has a pejorative connotation): donnaà à »Ã donnucolawomanà à »Ã silly woman maestroà à »Ã maestrucoloteacherà à »Ã ignorant, incompetent teacher poetaà à »Ã poetucolopoetaà à »Ã scribbler, rhymster -(u)olo: faccendaà à »Ã faccenduolamatter, business, affairà à »Ã small chore montagnaà à »Ã montagn(u)olamountainà à »Ã mound poesiaà à »Ã poesiolapoetryà à »Ã limerick, a small poem Note also the alterazione with -olo, which occurs mostly in combination with another suffix: nomeà à »Ã nomignolonameà à »Ã nickname viaà à »Ã viottolostreetà à »Ã lane medicoà à »Ã mediconzolo (pejorative connotation)doctorà à »Ã quack For the suffix -iciattolo see below. -otto: contadinoà à »Ã contadinottofarmer, peasantà à »Ã poorly educated countryman pienoà à »Ã pienottofull, packed, teeming withà à »Ã pot-bellied giovaneà à »Ã giovanottoyoungsterà à »Ã young man, bachelor ragazzoà à »Ã ragazzottoboyà à »Ã sturdy boy bassoà à »Ã bassottolow, shortà à »Ã squat Can denote a young animal: aquilaà à »Ã aquilottoeagleà à »Ã eaglet lepreà à »Ã leprottohareà à »Ã baby hare passeroà à »Ã passerottosparrowà à »Ã young sparrow -acchiotto (can be a diminutive or term of endearment): lupoà à »Ã lupacchiottowolfà à »Ã wolf cub orsoà à »Ã orsacchiottobearà à »Ã bear cub, teddy bear volpeà à »Ã volpacchiottofoxà à »Ã fox cub, sly person furboà à »Ã furbacchiottosly, cunning, shrewd, astute, cleverà à »Ã cunning person (wily old fox) -iciattolo (can be a diminutive or term of endearment): febbreà à »Ã febbriciattolafeverà à »Ã slight fever fiumeà à »Ã fiumiciattoloriverà à »Ã stream libroà à »Ã libriciattolobookà à »Ã small book mostroà à »Ã mostriciattolomonsterà à »Ã little monster
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Sustainable Development - Essay Example Pollution is also reduced enormously due to this sustainable technique. For legislation and funding the programs, the agencies have introduced six livability principals (Assadourian et al, 2012). The livability principals proposed in the suggested article mainly focus and discuss some practical issues for the development of sustainable development. They are mostly related to the day to day problems faced by the citizen and their solutions. Specific and certain points are given in order to increase the productivity and social positivity of the overall developments taking place. For example the first livability principal is giving emphasis on increasing the transportation choices for the people so that they can enjoy safe, quick and affordable charges of transportation. The transportation has been a very basic human need since a very long time after industrial revolution. Similarly, linking this transportation issue with overall economic factors of the country is also very much important because our dependence on foreign oil and quest to gain more profits in order to meet the increasing expenditures outside our country can cause a bad effect on the fares of the transportation and this in turn has been sustained by the general public. In the similar fashion, the effect of good livability principal in regards to transportation will sort out different practical ways to minimize the green house damage on the environment by the pollution and it must use scientific research. Similarly, the other principal emphasizes to increase the completion and race in the economic arena of development lifecycle so that people can exploit more and more chances of economic growth and can improve their life style by competing and taking challenges at par. It also says that instead of targeting the new communities, the principal of sustainable development must and should resist from the side of existing communities and promote maximum land
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The American History Cookbook Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 18
The American History Cookbook - Research Paper Example Peanut butter is a favorite spread on bread. Peanuts are either fried or roasted. They help maintain healthy body weight, reduce the risk of heart disease and reduce diabetes risk. Peanuts reduce obesity through the provision of fiber and improvement of the digestive system. The absence of peanut would mean no peanut butter in snacks, a not so interesting though. Potatoes are a good source of starch. Chips are a favorite food for many of the Americans. Potatoes are fried, baked, boiled and fit in to make so many recipes ranging from potato soup to potato salad. They are a good source of potassium, helps regulate mineral balance and fluids, transmit nerve impulses and muscle contraction. Vitamin C, which also acts as an antioxidant is obtained from potatoes. They contain fiber that helps lower blood cholesterol. Vitamin B6, Obtained from potatoes, helps in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. Iron, a major component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen to parts of the body can also be sourced from Potatoes (Mark 10). Tomatoes emanated from South America. Thinking of their goodness from their red color, the health implications from consumption of potatoes are many. The value behind the red color of tomatoes is the presence of lycopene that is an antioxidant and a contributor towards healthy bones. Tomatoes can be made into fresh tomato sa lad, grilled together with pizza or even used to make vegetarian sandwiches. Chili Peppers are a common ingredient in menuââ¬â¢s worldwide. Delicacies with Chilli Spice, are a favorite option as the stinging sensation left on the tongue is refreshing. Capsaicin is an ingredient found in pepper and boosts metabolism. It also suppressed appetite and may ultimately, after using it for some time result in weight loss.Ã
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Corruption within Hamlet Essay Example for Free
Corruption within Hamlet Essay Everything is connected in Hamlet, including the welfare of the royal family and the health of the state as a whole. The plays early scenes explore the sense of anxiety and dread that surrounds the transfer of power from one ruler to the next. Throughout the play, characters draw explicit connections between the moral legitimacy of a ruler and the health of the nation. Denmark is frequently described as a physical body made ill by the moral corruption of Claudius and Gertrude, and many observers interpret the presence of the ghost as a supernatural omen indicating that something is rotten in the state of Denmark . The dead King Hamlet is portrayed as a strong, forthright ruler under whose guard the state was in good health, while Claudius, a wicked politician, has corrupted and compromised Denmark to satisfy his own appetites. Hamlet feels Disillusionment. Depression. Despair through the course of the play as he attempts to come to terms with his fathers death and his mothers incestuous marriage to his uncle. While he is attempting to pick up the pieces of his life he consciously embarks on the truth hidden in Ellsinore brought to light by his late fathers appearance at the gates. Deception versus truth; illusion versus reality. In the play, Prince Hamlet constantly has to differentiate amongst them. The exception to the rule in this case lies in Act 2, Scene 2, where an honest conversation takes place between Hamlet and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. By the use of prose and figurative language, Shakespeare utilizes the passage to illustrate Hamlets view of the cosmos and mankind. Throughout the play, the themes of illusion and deceit have been carefully developed. The entire royal Danish court is ensnared in a web of espionage, betrayal, and lies. Not a single man speaks his mind, nor addresses his purpose clearly. Addressing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlet pleads with them to deliver up honest speech about the intent of their arrival and being the bumbling fools they are, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern disclose their intentions and purposes to Hamlet, revealing the King andà Queens instructions. So for once, truth prevails in this passage. The recurring motif of corruption also appears in the passage. Due to the wickedà internal proceedings in the state of Denmark (e.g. murder, incest), Shakespeare implies that the whole state is soiled, which in turn has a direct negative consequence in the grand scheme of things. Imagery of rank plants is used to enforced and convey this view by using replacing the image of the traditional aesthetically correct beautiful flowers in a garden. Tis an unweeded garden that grows to seed. Things rank and gross in nature possess it merely. Those lines represent Hamlets views on the corruption that is taking place at Ellsinore on how the world to him has become empty and lifeless, dirty and diseased and his place in the world to be entrapped and isolated. He describes the land, in which he lives as, A goodly one, in which there are many confines, wards, and dungeons, Denmark being one o th worst. Hamlets search for truth and truth inside people is highly unsuccessful as only one truthful man exists apart from himself and that is Horatio. Claudius is lustful and deceitful, Polonius is a mindless fool and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are mindless idiots. This loss of enthusiasm and faith in man also stems from the fact that he knows there is more wickedness brewing underà the superficial surface of calm that Claudius is trying to promote. As a culmination of all these factors, Hamlet loses all faith in man and using biblic ideas Hamlet redefines the position of man as simply that which came from dust. From this stance, it is inferred that solely God is Truth. Man, coming from the lowly earth, cannot be depended upon to deliver true thoughts, as his source of origin itself is impure. Through this, Hamlets concludes that Claudius actions and others actions can be accounted for butà not forgiven. Claudius is corruption personified within the play, Hamlets major antagonist is a shrewd, lustful, conniving king who contrasts sharply with the other male characters in the play. Whereas most of the other important men in Hamlet are preoccupied with ideas of justice, revenge, and moral balance, Claudius is bent upon maintaining his own power. The old King Hamlet was apparently a stern warrior, but Claudius is a corrupt politician whose main weapon is his ability to manipulate others through his skillful use of language. Claudiuss speech is compared to poison being poured in the earthe method he used to murder Hamlets father. Claudiuss love for Gertrude may be sincere, but it also seems likely that he married her as a strategic move, to help him win the throne away from Hamlet after the death of the king. As the play progresses, Claudiuss mounting fear of Hamlets insanity leads him to ever greater self-preoccupation; when Gertrude tells him that Hamlet has killed Polonius, Claudius does not remark that Gertrude might have been in danger, but only that he would have been in danger had he been in the room. He tells Laertes the same thing as he attempts to soothe the young mans anger after his fathers death. Claudius is ultimately too crafty for his own good. Rather than allowing Laertes only two methods of killing Hamlet, the sharpened sword and the poison on the blade, Claudius insists on a third, the poisoned goblet. When Gertrude inadvertently drinks the poison and dies, Hamlet is at last able to bring himself to kill Claudius, and the king is felled by his own cowardliness and corruptive nature.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sociological Perspectives on Alcohol Use, Problems, and Policy Essay
It is unfortunate that many people within our society and worldwide suffers from the affects of alcohol addiction. There are many issues associated with this addiction and many times itââ¬â¢s not only the victim that deals with the addiction but also the people in close association with the individual. Alcohol addiction can afflict anyone and knows no limits of its damage that it can do to a personââ¬â¢s life or the people in their lives. Most importantly are the ones whom seek help for their addiction as it becomes a lifelong healing period for them. It has become clear that constant consumption of alcohol leads to addiction. It has also become clearer with the laws and policies that have been drawn up to combat drunk drivers that it is not a normal thing to do anymore as was thought to be normal in the late 60ââ¬â¢s and early 70ââ¬â¢s. This is not normal behaviour and it becomes clearer as the laws for drinking and driving is enforced by law enforcement officers. It is a duty for addiction workers to help in the aid of these problems and its laws and policies that help in putting a stop to some of the problems that arise from this addiction. This research paper will help enable sociologists to determine what the ongoing effects have on an alcoholic and further provides information on the long-term effects that society has to deal with. The significance of alcoholism and sociology is the ability of sociologists to research and discover how human behaviour is affected on many aspects of its effects on a person. An alcoholic can be described as someone who is addicted to drinking alcoholic beverages in excess. What starts out as social drinking can lead to excessive drinking and the many problems associated with alcohol abuse and i... ...y therapy in the treatment of alcohol-related problems: A review of behavioural family therapy, family systems theraphy and treatment matching research. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, (17)3, 13-23. Latham, P.K., & Napier, T.L. (1992). Psychosocial consequences of alcohol misuse in the family of origin. The International Journal of the Addictions, 27, 1137-1158. Murray, Jane Lothian, Linden, Rick and Kendall, Diane. (2011). SOCIOLOGY IN OUR TIMES, Fifth Canadian Edition by Nelson Education Limited, Published by Thomson Wadsworth, USA. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Office of Applied Studies). Treatment Episode Data Set(TEDS): Highlights-2003. National Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment Services, Rockville, MD: Department of Health and Human Services, 2003. Walsh, F. (1998). Strengthening family resilience. New York: Guilford.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Epic Hero
Epic Hero Essay Heroes are strong, brave, loyal, and intelligent people that help us when we run into trouble and inspire us. Odysseus displays these characteristics, in the epic poem ââ¬Å"The Odyssey. â⬠He's on a quest to get back home and to regain his throne, but a series of unfortunate events occur that makes his journey long and treacherous. In his various adventures like The Cyclops, The Land Of The Dead, and The Lotus-Eaters, Odysseus shows examples of his heroic characteristics. In Odysseus's adventures, he comes across a cyclops named Polyphemus. When Odysseus was trapped in Polyphemus's cave, he told him his name was ââ¬Å"nhbdy. â⬠He also knew that he shouldn't have killed him in his sleep because he and his men wouldn't have been able to escape. Through that experience, he proved that he was an intelligent and cunning person. When Odysseus went to the Land of the Lotus-Eaters, he and his men rested there and relaxed. His men were pressured to eat the lotus plants and it made his crew all looney and ââ¬Å"high. Odysseus showed his intelligence and loyalty by not eating the lotuses and carrying his men back to the ship. With every action Odysseus takes, it exposes him even more as an epic hero. On his journey to The Land Of The Dead, Odysseus displays extraordinary actions that truly show he is an epic hero. He was brave enough to even go down to the underworld and strong enough to undergo the heat. He fended off evil spirits and met his friend and his mother. Odysseus, raider of cities used his strength to go through those events. Heroes are strong, smart, devoted, and courageous people that help and influence us. Odysseus, king of Ithaca, from the epic poem ââ¬Å"The Odyssey,â⬠shows that he surely is an epic hero. He went through a whole bunch of horrible events that has proven his existence as a great role model. It is people like Odysseus that makes this world a better place and he influences people to become more a hero everyday.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Hiring Based on Body Art Essay
Why do some employers ban tattoos while other doesnââ¬â¢t mind them? If a person is trying to get a position that interacts with the public or with people from other companies, those other people could be judgmental about tattoos that are visible outside the clothes. Thereââ¬â¢s probably a variety of reasons but I think a common one is that some companies feel that their employees project their company image and theyââ¬â¢d like some say in the image that they have. This is obviously truer when the employees are dealing with the public. Now in some industries, the company image of employees having tattoos is benefit, a but in others, especially in certain more conservative markets, tattoos are viewed as a blemish on the image. Keep in mind, too, that some companies pay marketing and PR firms quite a lot of money to develop and reinforce the chosen image for the company and with those companies, itââ¬â¢s an important thing that they want to project and they want to protect it. Employers tend to cater to their customers. If their customers are more conservative, they probably wonââ¬â¢t want to deal with a tattooed and pierced salesperson/clerk, and they may ask someone to remove their piercings and cover their tattoos with long sleeved clothing, for instance. Some employers donââ¬â¢t care, itââ¬â¢s the quality of the person and his/her work that matters. As long as you dress safely (i. e. , sturdy shoes if youââ¬â¢re working around heavy machinery and pull long hair back if youââ¬â¢re around moving equipment) it doesnââ¬â¢t matter. And some employers ââ¬â those who are trendy and catering to a younger and more edgy crowd may encourage it Because some of us think tattoos are a sign of less than upstanding type of person. Some donââ¬â¢t want to have their customers think that the business is not upstanding, and having employees with tattoos will make their business look bad. I personally associate tattoos with drug use, as many who use drug cover the marks with tattoos, and therefore would not really like to have food served to me by a tattooed server, out of fear of disease associated with intervenes drug use. Tattoos are not a civil right. A company has a right to control the dress, hairstyles, and overall appearance of their employees. A company probably wouldnââ¬â¢t ban a tattoo, but if someone has ââ¬Å"Evil Satanâ⬠on their forehead that is probably not going to go over in a job interview!! Because for certain job like those higher up itââ¬â¢s not healthy. Say youââ¬â¢re in the doctorââ¬â¢s office && your doctor has tattoos all over even on his faceâ⬠¦ would you think he knew what he was doing. To me they give off a bad image in the work placeâ⬠¦ I love tats donââ¬â¢t get me wrong but getting them in ridicules places seem unprofessional. Sure it doesnââ¬â¢t affect your ability of how you do the job but other pals opinions would not get you any high up job nor business. Should it be illegal to allow tattoos to be a factor at all in the hiring process? I think it should be frowned upon, but not illegal. If you have a company and you have people representing you, then you can choose what kind of image those people have. Thereââ¬â¢s a lot of stigma related with tattoos culturally (whether founded or unfounded isnââ¬â¢t the point), and if thereââ¬â¢s an industry or position where that stigma could affect business, then thatââ¬â¢s the bossââ¬â¢s decision. Itââ¬â¢s not like people whoââ¬â¢ve gotten tattoos didnââ¬â¢t know that it might be an issue later on, you should get them where you can cover them up. They make people take piercings out to work (some little old lady at the supermarket may be offended by a septum piercing etc. ). The issue isnââ¬â¢t whether it should be illegal to not hire because of tattoos, itââ¬â¢s that we should all just get over it as a society. Depends â⬠¦ do they have an Hate Kill tattoo across their knuckles, an tattoo of an Nazi flag on the forehead, or an naked men/women on their skin? Any place where they work at is an professional place. So thus they need to look professional and keep bringing back people. If itââ¬â¢s a very beautiful rtistic tattoo I would allow it, or if itââ¬â¢s a tattoo that means a lot to them, again I would allow it. (What I mean by allowing it is exposing it) As long as its tasteful or able to keep the tattoo hidden. In some jobs I think it should be illegal.. Like when a grocery store wonââ¬â¢t hire someone with visible tattoos or piercings, thatââ¬â¢s ridiculous. A tattoo doesnââ¬â¢t make you look any l ess presentable in that situation. (I used to have to cover mine up!! ) But for other jobs, where being presentable and demanding respect (a lawyer, a judge, a cop, maybe a doctorâ⬠¦ I think it is fine that tattoos are a factor. I wouldnââ¬â¢t want my attorney to have tattoos all over their arms. Yes, many businesses will allow one that canââ¬â¢t be seen, many feel it is not acceptable in the work place. Many do not allow nose piercings to worn at work along with chin, and lip. It is their business and if they feel it makes a bad presentation or statement about employees that should be there choice! No. Itââ¬â¢s up to the employer. They donââ¬â¢t have to hire you if you have a tattoo and they shouldnââ¬â¢t be forced to do so. Same as a smoker, drinker, etc. Iââ¬â¢m talking private sector now. Iââ¬â¢m sure there are some politicians working on government requirements to have a quota of at least 10% people with tattoos. nope. There are only a few illegal categories for discrimination such as sex, age over 40, race, etc. tats are way down the line from those. I have ink but it is on my biceps & hidden most of the time. I know people with full sleeves, skull & even facial tats. One manââ¬â¢s head is mostly green. They knew before they did it that they were making a life decision. Absolutely not! For one thing, having a tat is a risky behavior ââ¬â one that many employers may not want in an employee. Another is that many people who buy goods think that tats where you can see them is tacky, and may shop elsewhere. No one is ââ¬Ëentitledââ¬â¢ to work at a place where their personal looks or behavior is to the detriment of the business Is It Legal for Employers to reject job-seekers because they have piercings or tattoos? legal? YES, unlessâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. the tattoos/piercings are related to a bona-fide religion and/or ethnicity and the employment decision was made based on that religion/ethnicity. this is a grey area that the EEOC can assist in but generally it is legal for an employer to have such a policy EDIT: This is taken from the EEOC website and the accommodation for tattoos and piercings COULD fall under thisâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. ââ¬Å"Employers must reasonably accommodate employeesââ¬â¢ sincerely held religious practices unless doing so would impose an undue hardship on the employer. A reasonable religious accommodation is any adjustment to the work environment that will allow the employee to practice his religion. An employer might accommodate an employeeââ¬â¢s religious beliefs or practices by allowing: flexible scheduling, voluntary substitutions or swaps, job reassignments and lateral transfers, Fair or not, itââ¬â¢s life. There are laws about bias for race/gender/religion but nothing about appearance of non-naturally occurring features. Certainly employers can reject an applicant for the reason of appearance ââ¬â perhaps their customer base would not respond appropriately to piercings or tattoos or unusual hair color. Iââ¬â¢m sure there are some positions where it would not be a problem, but I canââ¬â¢t see those being assets in a law firm or accounting office. Some places prohibit visible piercings and tattoos (schools for example). Strictly legal, piercings/tattoos are NOT set out as a special category of people. In Federal discrimination laws, those categories are sex, age, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion, disability, marital or military status. So, since Federal law has not made piercings/tattoos a distinct discrimination basis or category, it would not be illegal under Federal discrimination law to reject an employee due to this. State laws usually follow the same basis on discrimination as the Federal law with few exceptions. So unless you could link piercings/tattoos to an existing discrimination base, fair or not, that is a reasonable reason to reject a person. Employers look at a personââ¬â¢s ability to do the job, and they look at safety issues. For example a person who has only one arm may be rejected for a job where he must lift a certain poundage and throw heavy ropes, such as a long shore man. The person with one arm may feel that is unfair, but if he cannot do the job or must rely on other workers to do his work ââ¬â the rejection is legal. A person with a piercing may have the potential of a safety problem in a fast moving assembly line where people are not even allowed to wear wedding rings. EDIT: for those who do not understand the law and how discrimination may be perceived this is directly from the EEOC, tattoos fall under the same guidelines as a dress codeâ⬠¦ so there are instances where not hiring just due to the tattoos COULD be seen as discrimination and could cause the employer problems if nothing more than having to defend their reasoningâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦ ââ¬Å"While an employer may require all workers to follow a uniform dress code even if the dress code conflicts with some workersââ¬â¢ ethnic beliefs or practices, a dress code must not treat some employees less favorably because of their national origin.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Rembrandts La Petite Tombe Essays - Dutch Golden Age Painters
Rembrandt's La Petite Tombe Essays - Dutch Golden Age Painters Rembrandt's La Petite Tombe According to some philosophers La Petite Tombe would most probably be considered a great work of art, this is my opinion too. Rembrandt is one of very few painters known around the world and valued as an addition to human history. Praised by the art world long time ago and until today. It also considers Rembrandts work as great, professional, expressive and impressive. However its greatness can be analyzed and criticized, which I will try to do in this paper. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Riju was born July 15, 1606 in the town of Leiden, Netherlands. One of the seven children he was the only one who received Higher Education, all of his siblings went into trade. Leiden was a University town with favorable education atmosphere. Upon graduating from the Leiden high school where students primarily learned Latin, and true religion (Calvinistic Protestantism) Rembrandt enrolled into a Leiden University, which by 1620s was internationally renowned. Not very eager for education he pretty soon became an apprentice of Jacob Isaacszoon Swandenburgh, and showed promise in painting, so his father found it good to apprentice him and to take him to the renowned painter P. Listman, residing in Amsterdam so that he might advance himself and be better trained and educated. During the seventeens century history painters enjoyed the highest prestige, higher even then portrait painters. Since history painters could give their imagination a certain freedom, depict and arrange their compositions as they please. In comparison portrait painters had little variation to work with to express themselves. This is why Rembrandt wanted to become a history, or religion painter. This era would probably be more favored by Tolstoy then by Plato. Although the paintings still presented the objects close or were identical to what we see in life, the fantasy of the artists began to take over the order of the objects, leaning towards the more historical, religious perspective, something Tolstoy would love. A piece of art from that era by Rembrandt of a religious context is an etching called La Petite Tombe, also known as Christ Preaching. The subject here is a gathering of common people around Jesus Christ, who is preaching the remission of sins, an event that does not occur in the Gospels, but which played an important part in the Mennouite doctrine. (Clark, p. 183) Rembrandt has many religious paintings and etchings in his collection, and in all of them he keeps his style of presentation. A little bit rough, and expressive. His characters on one hand are not explicitly detailed, but on the other all have their own unique points of interest, and expressive quality. If Plato were shown this etching he would probably be satisfied with it, since it meets all his conditions to be defined as good art. He argues that to be considered art at all, a piece of someones work, whether it is a painting, etching, poem etc., has to resemble identically a life that we see, and how we perceive it. The closer the work of art is to reality, the better would he consider it to be. Looking at an etching by Rembrandt we can see a very close similarity to life. People are proportionate, they look what ordinary people should look like, and the place where they are gathered is also a familiar surrounding which would look probably the same if we were to look at it in real life. However if we were to think about the content of the piece, there is a side to it, which draws particular attention. Jesus Christ is present on the etching. In the times of Plato there were no such concepts as Bible or Christianity. Even if we were to explain them to Plato, a person for whom the w hole other concept of religion is a basis for understanding reality, still he would not accept it as a replica of a real life, since for him there is no such god as the one accepted by Christians. The person right in the middle of a picture would be a step away from reality, together with the aura above his head. Therefore for Plato this etching would be a good even a
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Kelvins Clouds Speech
Kelvin's Clouds Speech On Friday, April 27, 1900, the British physicist Lord Kelvin gave a speech entitled Nineteenth-Century Clouds over the Dynamical Theory of Heat and Light, which began: The beauty and clearness of the dynamical theory, which asserts heat and light to be modes of motion, is at present obscured by two clouds. Kelvin went on to explain that the clouds were two unexplained phenomena, which he portrayed as the final couple of holes that needed to be filled in before having a complete understanding of the thermodynamic and energy properties of the universe, explained in classical terms of the motion of particles. This speech, together with other comments attributed to Kelvin, such as by physicist Albert Michelson in an 1894 speech, indicate that he strongly believed the main role of physics in that day was to just measure known quantities to a great degree of precision, out to many decimal places of accuracy. Meaning of Clouds The clouds to which Kelvin was referring were: The inability to detect the luminous ether, specifically the failure of the Michelson-Morley experimentThe black body radiation effect- known as the ultraviolet catastrophe Importance References to this speech have become somewhat popular for one very simple reason: Lord Kelvin was about as wrong as he could possibly have been. Instead of minor details that had to be worked out, Kelvins two clouds instead represented fundamental limits to a classical approach to understanding the universe. Their resolution introduced whole new and unanticipated realms of physics, known collectively as modern physics. Quantum Physics In fact, Max Planck solved the black body radiation problem in 1900, presumably, after Kelvin gave his speech) In doing so, he had to invoke the concept of limitations on the allowed energy of emitted light. This concept of a light quanta was seen as a simple mathematical trick at the time, necessary to resolve the problem, but it worked. Plancks approach precisely explained the experimental evidence resulting from heated objects in the black-body radiation problem. However, in 1905, Einstein took the idea further and used the concept to also explain the photoelectric effect. Between these two solutions, it became clear that light seemed to exist as little packets, or quanta, of energy- photons, as they would later come to be called. Once it became clear that light existed in packets, physicists began to discover that all kinds of matter and energy existed in these packets, and the age of quantum physics began. Relativity The other cloud that Kelvin mentioned was the failure of the Michelson-Morley experiments to discuss the luminous ether. This was the theoretical substance that physicists of the day believed permeated the universe, so that light could move as a wave. The Michelson-Morley experiments had been a rather ingenious set of experiments, based on the idea that light would move at different speeds through the ether depending on how the Earth was moving through it. They constructed a method to measure this difference... but it hadnt worked. It appeared that the direction of lights motion had no bearing on the speed, which didnt fit with the idea of it moving through a substance like the ether. Again, though, in 1905 Einstein came along and set the ball rolling on this one. He laid out the premise of special relativity, invoking a postulate that light always moved at a constant speed. As he developed the theory of relativity, it became clear that the concept of the luminous ether was no longer particularly helpful, so scientists discarded it. References by Other Physicists Popular physics books have frequently referenced this event because it makes it clear that even very knowledgeable physicists can be overcome by overconfidence at the extent of their fields applicability. In his book The Trouble with Physics, theoretical physicist Lee Smolin says the following about the speech: William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), an influential British physicist, famously proclaimed that physics was over, except for two small clouds on the horizon. These clouds turned out to be the clues that led us to quantum theory and relativity theory. Physicist Brian Greene also references the Kelvin speech in The Fabric of the Cosmos: In 1900, Kelvin himself did note that two clouds were hovering on the horizon, one to do with properties of lights motion and the other with aspects of the radiation objects emit when heated, but there was a general feeling that these were mere details, which, no doubt, would soon be addressed. Within a decade, everything changed. As anticipated, the two problems Kelvin had raised were promptly addressed, but they proved anything but minor. Each ignited a revolution, and each requires a fundamental rewriting of natures laws.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Police Use of Deadly Force Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Police Use of Deadly Force - Research Paper Example Deadly force may also be used when a law enforcement officer is significantly threatened by a person particularly when the officer may be caused serious bodily harm to. This is governed in the US by Tennessee v. Garner according to which, ââ¬Å"deadly force...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or othersâ⬠(ââ¬Å"TENNESSEE, Appellantâ⬠). The exception of the Fleeing felon rule to the deadly forceââ¬â¢s use was established with this case. In spite of the legal authorization to use the deadly force, thousands of officers prefer to adopt alternative approaches even when they have deadly force encounters. The attitude of police officers toward the use of deadly force is partly shaped by their work environment. Officers respond accordingly when their beat has a dangerous reputation by being ready to use the deadly fo rce. Use of deadly force is an issue that attracts a lot of controversy particularly when the firearm is discharged by a police officer. The reason for that is that on one hand, the police officers are given the right to use deadly force and on the other hand, police officers are questioned for the appropriateness of their action when they use this right. Another reason that makes it controversial is the subjectivity associated with the term ââ¬Å"excessiveâ⬠use of force since the criteria of measuring or evaluating the excess varies from one person to another depending upon his qualification, skills, and experience. ââ¬Å"The term ââ¬Å"excessiveâ⬠is problematic, and defining it involves value judgments. Various criteria could be applied to an instance of use of force depending upon who is making this judgmentâ⬠(Belur 3). According to the statistics noted by (Dwyer), police annually shot and killed 283 individuals by average between 1949 and 1976. There was a v ariation in the yearly range from 184 in the year 1962 to 409 in the year 1971. The yearly variation up to the year 1976 was 250 to 300. The yearly average number of justifiable homicides between 1977 and 1990 was 358 with the high occurring in the year 1980 at 457. The average number of justifiable homicides from 1991 to 2008 was 358 each year with the high of 386 in the year 2006 and another high of 398 in the year 2007. The study carried out by the Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics concluded that 55 per cent of the deaths related to arrest between 2003 and 2005 happened because of homicide by the law enforcement officers (ââ¬Å"Study Examines Policeâ⬠). Over a period of three years, the number of criminal suspects that lost their lives in police custody is over 2000 and almost half of them were assassinated by officers while they were attempting to flee. The author of the report, Christopher J. Mumola said, ââ¬Å"Keep in mind we have 2,000 deaths out of alm ost 40 million arrests over three years, so that tells you by their nature they are very unusual casesâ⬠¦ Still, they do need to be looked at to determine whether police training can be better or practices can be betterâ⬠(Mumola cited in ââ¬Å"Study Examines Policeâ⬠). The unusually high percentage of men i.e. 96 per cent compared to women who died in the custody according to this researchââ¬â¢s findings is suggestive of the excessively high vulnerability of men for being the cause and victim of use of deadly force by policy
Friday, November 1, 2019
The History of Chicago House Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The History of Chicago House - Essay Example Chicago house takes discoââ¬â¢s usage of a noticeable bass drum on each beat and establishes a new pattern by blending in a thick electronic synthesizer base, electronic effects, electronic drums, pop and funk samples, and delay-enhanced vocals. Chicago House, after relishing noteworthy club-based and underground triumph in Chicago since 1980s onwards, surfaced into the pop market of the United Kingdom mainstream in the middle to late 1980s. Popularity swiftly ensued in other parts of Europe, and it turned into a global spectacle from the early to middle 1990s onwards. Chicago house evidenced to be a thriving genre, commercially, and beyond pop-based mainstream distinction flourished progressively popular. DJ International with Trax Records released most of the tracks that distinguished Chicago house sound, mostly on vinyl. Both record labels owned distribution channels outside Chicago ensuing to house popularity in other cities including London. House music is associated with thr ee styles of dancing namely: footwork, lofting and jacking. They comprise a range of skills with sub-styles that comprise of stomping, shuffling and skating. House dancing involves the body sensuality and setting oneself free. One key aspect of house dancing is a skill, which derived in Chicago, which encompasses the chest moving frontward then rearward into a flowing movement. A sped-up repetition of the movement totally the rhythm of a track is known as the jack. Artists and groups like Janet Jackson, Madonna, C+ C Music Factory and Bjork.... They comprise a range of skills with sub-styles that comprise of stomping, shuffling and skating. House dancing involves the body sensuality and setting oneself free. One key aspect of house dancing is a skill, which derived in Chicago, which encompasses the chest moving frontward then rearward into a flowing movement. A sped up repetition of the movement to tally the rhythm of a track is known as the jack. Artists and groups like Janet Jackson, Madonna, C+ C Music Factory and Bjork integrated the genre into their music. After relishing notable, thrive in the middle 1990s, Chicago house came to be even more popular in the second eruption of Progressive House (1999-2001). Chicago house is remains widespread besides it is sometimes integrated into other popular subgenres. Today House tunes remain popular in both mainstream pop display and within the clubs, while still maintaining a strong foothold on underground scenes globally (Hanson 66). Similarities and Differences in Chicago House and Disco Both Chicago and Disco music were influenced by funk, soul and Latin music. While house music has an up temple dance feeling with three commonly known dancing styles- the Jacking, Footwork and Lofting. Most disco music has a soaring sound. House music has a snare drum on taps 2 and 4 of each bar. Both house and disco have frequently reverberated vocals above a firm 4 and floor rhythm, a quaver (8th note) and disco has a semi-quaver (16th note) hit hat outline alongside the exposed hat at the off- rhythm, and a noticeable, accented bass line electric occasionally comprising of tones on the eighth degree. The Jazz Fender Bass is frequently connected to bop bass strings, since the device bear a very projecting vocal sound within a melodic blend. In many
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